Third Party Flex Request

1. Description of the Use Case

1.1. Name of the Use Case

Use case identification

IDArea /Domain(s)/Zone(s)Name of the Use Case
UC-DE-2Area: Energy system
Domain: Distribution, Customer Premise, Field, DER
Zones: Operation, Enterprise, Process, Field
Flex Provision:
Implementing of an Energy Management System that enables a local energy community to provide flexibility at request of a third party (operator)

1.2. Version Management

Version management

Version No.DateName of author(s)ChangesApproval status
0.11st April 2020Thorsten GrossInitial creationDraft
0.22nd June 2020Katarzyna ZawadzkaInitial creation in GithubDraft
0.316th June 2020Benjamin PettersExtended description and added technical partDraft
0.422nd June 2020Padraic McKeeverTemplate correctionsDraft
0.523rd July 2020Benjamin PettersExtended description and reviewDraft

1.3. Scope and Objectives of Use Case

Scope and objectives of use case

ScopeCommunities with a high penetration of photovoltaic systems and correspondingly high installed generation capacity can be expected to generate an energy surplus during times of peak generation and low local demand, and vice versa to run into an energy deficit during seasons of low generation. Surplus energy can be stored and shifted to times of low generation in order to satisfy temporary demand and hence increase the degree of self-sufficiency. Use Case 2 demonstrates how the flexibility required to enable a local balancing mechanism could temporarily be allocated to other uses, for example the provision of flexibility to a third party, e.g. the connecting grid operator. Use Case 2 uses the available flexibility in a given local energy community to maintain an externally defined non-zero setpoint at the point of connection.
Networks: LV
Markets: None
Objective(s)Maintain a fixed non-zero power exchange between energy community and the distribution network for a limited duration.
Related business case(s)Integration of local energy communities in network management strategies for the stabilization and uniform utilization in distribution grid

1.4. Narrative of Use Case

Short description

Local energy communities are likely to emerge in Europe in the near future but will most likely retain an interconnection to the distribution grid. These communities will require a large share of flexibility to enable their primary use case. Situations could arise that require the community to provide flexibility to third parties – driven by technical circumstances or following economic considerations (market incentives). Use Case 2 demonstrates the ability and practical feasibility of a local community to maintain constant non-zero power exchange with the distribution network for a previously defined duration.

Complete description

The community is consuming and/or generating energy. A user (in the case of the field trial the DSO) triggers the EMS to apply Use Case 2 and sets a target value (P’Breaker) for the power exchange at the grid connection. The EMS (ALF-C) processes weather forecasts and measurement values from the grid connection and flexible assets such as BESS, household energy storages and flexible loads located in the community. Based on the data and historic values the EMS forecasts the local generation and demands and determines the best strategy to reach (P’Breaker) by utilizing the available flexibility to keep the power flow constant for a pre-defined duration.
The EMS communicates with sensors through the Blockchain Access Platform and DSO Technical Platform and handles all data in a dedicated data base. The DSO Technical Platform provides encryption and decryption in the whole IT infrastructure. Control signals are routed through the DSO technical platform and the Blockchain Access Platform to flexible devices, if applicable through a third-party backend that connects to the hardware.

1.5. Key Performance Indicatiors (KPI)

IDNameDescriptionReference to mentioned use case objectives
UC2-K01Flexibility AvailabilityAssessment of availability of Flexibility
UC2-K02ResponsivenessAssessment of response times to flex requests and latencies along the use case process
UC2-K03AccuracyAssessment of the accuracy of the achievment of a given setpoint

1.6. Use case conditions

Private Customer households with flexible loads and storages are organized in a local energy community with a central EMS.Participants of the energy communities incl. flexible loads and storages are connected to a single low voltage grid (feed by a single MV/LV transformer) and are monitored and steered by an EMS.
The energy community needs an operator for the “Islanding” EMS.National regulations have to be clarified who can be the service providers and who can’t (TSO, DSO, Aggregator, Retailer, Energy Service provider)


  • Assumptions - general presumptions about conditions or system configurations (e.g. customer’s consent required for some steps; simulation of TSO)
  • Prerequisites - specify which requirements have to be met so that the basis scenario use case can be successfully accomplished.

1.7. Further information to the use case for classification/mapping

OPTIONAL - you can leave it blank

Relation to other use cases
UC 1 as a prerequisite for islanding the community
Level of depth
Primary Use Case
very important
Generic, regional or national relation
add text
Nature of the use cases
Further keywords for classification
add text


  • Relation to other use cases - relation to other use cases in the same project or thematic area. Possible relation types are for instance include, extend, invoke, or associate.

  • Level of depth - reflects the degree of specialisation of the use case. Although no common notation is settled, descriptions like high level use case, generic, detailed, or specialised use case are often used.

  • Prioritisation - helps to rate the use cases in a project from very important to nice-to-have with labels like obligatory/mandatory or optional which have to be agreed upon beforehand.

  • Generic, regional or national relation - for the purpose of generalisation if use case is applied to areas where restictions by law or silimiar issues occur.

  • Nature of the use cases - describes the viewpoint and field of attention like technical, political, business/market, test, etc.

1.8. General remarks

General remarks
- Use case 1 is anticipated to emerge as a result of the Clean Energy Package, driven by the bottom-up demand of customers and local communities.
- It is a prerequisite for the advanced use 2 - 4


Add any remarks which do not fit in any other category

2. Diagrams of Use Case

Diagram of Use Case

Sequence Diagram

Use Case Diagram

3. Technical Details

3.1. Actors

Actor NameActor TypeActor DescriptionFurther information specific to this Use Case
Consumer LoadSystemHousehold with a standard load profile energy consumption of a single household or energy consumer with a standard load profile of an agricultural building.No direct measurement of energy consumption, demand not controllable (passive consumer).
GeneratorsSystemRooftop photovoltaic system generating energy directly correlated with solar radiation at location.Limited controllability (can be curtailed in extreme cases). Located on customers premise and can be operated in combination with a battery storage system, for optimization of own consumption.
ControllerDeviceSummarises all devices that are able to receive setpoints or setpoint schedules and translate them into actionable steering commands for the flexible load or storage.
SensorsDeviceDevices that measure voltage, current and angle of phase or SOE or SOC in case of storages and able to communicate to external systems or devices.Retrofit (PMU or other) or integrated
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)SystemSystem that are demanding, storing and feeding energy to the local grid/energy community.300 kW/600 kWh, fully integrated in EMS and full time available for UC.
Household Energy StorageSystemSystem that are demanding, storing and feeding energy to the local grid/energy community.Integrated in EMS and full time available for UC.
Flexible LoadsSystemElectrical heater or eat pump used by household for generation of domestic heat.Could be provided by customer households.
Weather Forecast Service ProviderExternal SystemProvides weather forecasts for the next 24h of wind, solar radiation, cloudiness and temperature.
BESS Data Management BackendExternal SystemData backend provided by BESS manufacturer for storing data and providing measurement data and forwarding setpoint to BESS.
Sensor & Controller Data Management BackendExternal SystemCloud service of assets vendor (can be individual for different assets) storing data, providing measurement data of asset and/or interface for transmission of setpoints to asset.Assets with different vendors, requires connection to different vendor cloud platform and backends.
DSO Technical PlatformSystemCentral Platform providing services, e.g. data storage and state estimation. Used as middleware for data acquisition and setpoint delivery of assets and sensors in the field.Provided by RWTH.
Blockchain Access PlatformSystemPlatform for encryption and verification of data flows along the was of communication from EMS (ALF-C) to sensors and Assets in the field.Provided by Engineering
EMS (ALF-C)Component- Monitors local generation and demand
- Monitors available flexibility and storages
- Forecasts generation, demand and available flexibility via historic data and weather forecasts
- Accepts use case Trigger from EMS Use Case Modul and determines and dispatches setpoints for individual assets
- Calculates the setpoint or setpoint schedule for the EMS Controller
EMS named Avacon Local Flex Controller (EMS).

In a productive environment operator could be DSO, retailer, storage system operators or any other energy service provider.
Distribution System Operator (Avacon)PersonLocal grid operator (Avacon) setting use case and setting setpoint for load exchange along the grid connection point (P’Breaker)Only in field test trial. In future done by DSO, TSO, marketer or energy service providers
  • Actor Type - Device/ Sytem/ Person

3.2. References

OPTIONAL - you can leave it blank

No.References TypeReferenceStatusImpact on Use CaseOrganistaor / OrganisationLink
add textadd textadd textadd textadd textadd text

4. Step by Step Analysis of Use Case

4.1. Overview of Scenarios

No.Scenario NamePrimary ActorTriggering EventPre-ConditionPost-Condition
1Initiating of UC 2Trigger EventOperator sets EMS (ALF-C) mode of operation to UC 2 and defines target setpoint (PBreaker) for load exchange and duration (t)REPORTDSO
2EMS requests weather forecasts dataData-AquisitionEMS sends a request for the provision of real time and forecast weather data (6h ahead) to an external service provider.
The process will be repeated in regular intervals).
3External service provider sends weather forecastsTransmitting dataAn external service provider sends weather data and weather forecast valuesGETExternal System
4EMS receives forecasting valuesForecasting of generation and demandThe EMS forecasts local generation and demand:
- Generation based on weather forecasts
- Load – based on weather forecast and load profiles from historic measurement data
5EMS requests data of total generation/ consumptionData-AcquisitionThe EMS triggers measurement values from sensors located at the secondary substation to provide measurement data (PBreaker) of the power exchange at the MV/LV grid connection.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the EMS to the Blockchain Access Platform. The Blockchain Access Platform acts as middleware for data encryption.
From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middle ware from where the signal is sent to the Data Management Backend of the sensor.

After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed backwards along the communication from the sensor to the EMS every 10 seconds.
6Sensor (grid connection point in secondary substation) provides valuesTransmitting the dataThe local sensor located at secondary substation measures the residual power export and sends data to EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 10 seconds.
7EMS requests measurement data of sensors located in the fieldData – AcquisitionThe EMS sends request to sensors to provide load demand and SOE, SOC values of local customer flexible loads, household energy storages and battery energy storage system. The connection is established via a backend of data management platform provided by the manufacturer of the asset (BESS, household battery storage, flexible loads).

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the EMS to the Blockchain Access Platform. The Blockchain Access Platform acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middle ware from where the signal is sent to the Data Management Backend of the sensor.
8Local sensors provide data via Data Management BackendTransmitting the dataLocal sensors provide measurements values and data via sensor data management backend to the EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 15 minutes.
9All data collectedEvaluation and determination of control strategy and setpointsBased on provided measurement data, asset key data. EMS calculates the power bandwidth of each asset available for steering (PFlex).

The EMS determines for each asset a setpoint (P’Asset) to reach P’Breaker. The determination of setpoints is repeated every 10 seconds for BESS and every 15 minutes for flexible loads and household energy storages.
10Individual setpoints determinedTransmitting setpoints to controllersThe EMS sends setpoints via a data management backend to controllers to increase, decrease consumption assets (battery energy storage, household energy storage and flexible load) located in the field to increase consumption.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the EMS along the Blockchain Access Platform. The Blockchain Access Platform acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the Data Management Backend of the controller.
This signal is sent every ten seconds to the BESS Management Backend and every 15 minutes to loads located at customer premise and replaces the default signal until the EMS calculates a setpoint.
11Setpoint send to controllerVerification of setpoint executionThe EMS compares measured values comparison of PBreaker from the grid connection point with the target values P’Breaker. In case of deviation the setpoint are redefined by walking through step numbers 2 to 10. The process is continuously repeated until the end of use case.CREATESensor
12End of Use Case 2End of Use Case 2The use case ends, when a user triggers another use case, or in a case of lack of flexibility to reach P’Breaker.REPORT/CREATEDSO or ALF-C
No.Scenario NamePrimary ActorTriggering EventPre-ConditionPost-Condition
1Increasing Residual Energy Demand• ALF-C
• Energy Storage
• Flexible Load
• Generator
• Controller
Measured load flow (export) at grid connection point (Residual generation is decreasing/residual demand is increasing)• Sensors and controllers are connected with EMS
• Enough flexible loads and storages capacity are available
Demand of local flexible loads and storages will be decreased, or feed of storages into the grid will be increased in order to reach P’Breaker.
2Decreasing Residual Energy Demand• ALF-C
• Energy Storage
• Flexible Load
• Generator
• Controller
Measured load flow at grid connection point (Residual generation is increasing/residual demand is decreasing)• Sensors and actuators are connected with ALF-C
• Enough flexible loads and storages capacity are available for balancing

4.2. Steps – Scenarios

**Scenario Name: No. 1 - Increasing Residual Energy Demand **

Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information Exchanged
1Initiating of UC 2Trigger EventOperator sets EMS (ALF-C) mode of operation to UC 2 and defines target setpoint (PBreaker) for load exchange and duration (t)REPORTDSOEMSI - 01
2External service provider sends weather forecastsTransmitting dataAn external service provider sends weather data and weather forecast valuesGETExternal SystemEMSI-02
3EMS receives forecasting valuesForecasting of generation and demandThe EMS forecasts local generation and demand:
- Generation based on weather forecasts
- Load – based on weather forecast and load profiles from historic measurement data
4Sensor (grid connection point in secondary substation) provides valuesTransmitting the dataThe local sensor located at secondary substation measures the residual power export and sends data to EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 10 seconds.
5Local sensors provide data via Data Management BackendTransmitting the dataLocal sensors provide measurements values and data via sensor data management backend to the EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 15 minutes.
6All data collectedEvaluation and determination of control strategy and setpointsBased on provided measurement data, asset key data. EMS calculates the power bandwidth of each asset available for steering (PFlex).

The EMS determines for each asset a setpoint (P’Asset) to reach P’Breaker. The determination of setpoints is repeated every 10 seconds for BESS and every 15 minutes for flexible loads and household energy storages.
7Individual setpoints determinedTransmitting setpoints to controllersThe EMS sends setpoints via a data management backend to controllers to increase, decrease consumption assets (battery energy storage, household energy storage and flexible load) located in the field to increase consumption.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the EMS along the Blockchain Access Platform. The Blockchain Access Platform acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the Data Management Backend of the controller.
This signal is sent every ten seconds to the BESS Management Backend and every 15 minutes to loads located at customer premise and replaces the default signal until the EMS calculates a setpoint.
8Setpoint send to controllerVerification of setpoint executionThe EMS compares measured values comparison of PBreaker from the grid connection point with the target values P’Breaker. In case of deviation the setpoint are redefined by walking through step numbers 2 to 10. The process is continuously repeated until the end of use case.CREATESensorEMS
9End of Use Case 2End of Use Case 2The use case ends, when a user triggers another use case, or in a case of lack of flexibility to reach P’Breaker.REPORT/CREATEDSO or ALF-CEMSI-01

**Scenario Name: No. - Decreasing Residual Energy Demand **

Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information Exchanged
1Initiating of UC 2Trigger EventOperator sets EMS (ALF-C) mode of operation to UC 2 and defines target setpoint (PBreaker) for load exchange and duration (t)REPORTDSOEMSI - 01
2External service provider sends weather forecastsTransmitting dataAn external service provider sends weather data and weather forecast valuesGETExternal SystemEMSI-02
3EMS receives forecasting valuesForecasting of generation and demandThe EMS forecasts local generation and demand:
- Generation based on weather forecasts
- Load – based on weather forecast and load profiles from historic measurement data
4Sensor (grid connection point in secondary substation) provides valuesTransmitting the dataThe local sensor located at secondary substation measures the residual power export and sends data to EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 10 seconds.
5Local sensors provide data via Data Management BackendTransmitting the dataLocal sensors provide measurements values and data via sensor data management backend to the EMS.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the sensor via the sensor data management backend to the Blockchain Access Platform (BAP). The BAP acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the EMS.
After the trigger for provision of measurement data, the
Then data will be pushed by the sensor to the EMS every 15 minutes.
6All data collectedEvaluation and determination of control strategy and setpointsBased on provided measurement data, asset key data. EMS calculates the power bandwidth of each asset available for steering (PFlex).

The EMS determines for each asset a setpoint (P’Asset) to reach P’Breaker. The determination of setpoints is repeated every 10 seconds for BESS and every 15 minutes for flexible loads and household energy storages.
7Individual setpoints determinedTransmitting setpoints to controllersThe EMS sends setpoints via a data management backend to controllers to increase, decrease consumption assets (battery energy storage, household energy storage and flexible load) located in the field to increase consumption.

If Applicable (to be clarified):
The communication will take place from the EMS along the Blockchain Access Platform. The Blockchain Access Platform acts as middleware for data encryption. From there the data will be forwarded to the DSO Technical Platform acting as second level middleware from where the signal is sent to the Data Management Backend of the controller.
This signal is sent every ten seconds to the BESS Management Backend and every 15 minutes to loads located at customer premise and replaces the default signal until the EMS calculates a setpoint.
8Setpoint send to controllerVerification of setpoint executionThe EMS compares measured values comparison of PBreaker from the grid connection point with the target values P’Breaker. In case of deviation the setpoint are redefined by walking through step numbers 2 to 10. The process is continuously repeated until the end of use case.CREATESensorEMS
9End of Use Case 2End of Use Case 2The use case ends, when a user triggers another use case, or in a case of lack of flexibility to reach P’Breaker.REPORT/CREATEDSO or ALF-CEMSI-01

Household energy storage: MQTT or HTTP


This part describes the possible scenarios of the use case. The scenarios should comply with the sequence diagrams in Sect. 2 of the template, so that every step describes one part of a communication or action. Apart from a normal success scenario, different failure scenarios or alternatives can be included to describe situations where preconditions are not satisfied or unwanted states are attained.

  • Event - Event triggering a step, specific for that use case.

  • Name of Process/ Activity - general classification of process/activity (e.g. data aquisition).

  • Description of Process/ Activity - more detailed description of the step.

  • Service - addresses the nature of the information flow. Possible: GET (The information receiver obtains information from the information producer after an implicit request.), CREATE (The information producer creates an information object.), CHANGE (The information producer performs an update of the information at the information receiver’s.), DELETE (The information producer deletes information of the receiver.), CANCEL/CLOSE (A process is terminated.), EXECUTE (An action or service is performed.), REPORT (The information producer supplies information of its own account.), TIMER (The actor which represents both information producer and receiver has to enforce a waiting period.), REPEAT (A number of steps has to be repeated until a break condition (stated in the field Event) is satisfied. The contemplated steps have to be added in parentheses.).

  • Information Producer and Receiver (Actor) - actors from actor list in section 3.1

  • Information exchanged (IDs) - ID of the information defined further in section 5

5. Information Exchanged

Information exchanged IDName of InformationDescription of Information ExchangedProtocol
I-01User sets UC and variables- DSO sets the use case via an UI the EMS (ALF-C) to apply UC 2. The trigger signal is:
0 = stop current use case
1 = application of UC 1
2 = application of UC 2
3 = application of UC 3
4 = application of UC 4

- DSO set via UI a target setpoint (P’Breaker) for the load - exchange along the grid connection point.
I-02Weather forecasts provision- Solar radiation (t + 24h)
- Cloudiness (t + 24 h)
- Temperature (t + 24 h)
- Humidity (t + 24 h)
Windspeed (t + 24 h)
Rest API
I-03Measurement data provisionSensors located at secondary substation, BESS and households push measurement data to EMSPMU: MQTT or IEC61850
Household energy storage: MQTT or HTTP
I-04Sending of setpoint (t) or setpoint schedule (t+1) from EMS to BESS, household energy storages and flexible loadsSetpoint to increase or decrease demand/generation as static value [P] or relative value [%] or [SOC]Household energy storage: MQTT or HTTP


  • Information exchanged ID - unique number (I-01,I-02…) for identification

  • Requirements to information data - optional, defined in section 6

6. Requirements (optional)

7. Common Terms and Definitions


8. Custom Information (optional)

KeyValueRefers to Section
Last modified 06.12.2021: Update index.md (2b7480d)