Network real-time monitoring
1. Description of the Use Case
1.1. Name of the Use Case
ID | Area /Domain(s)/Zone(s) | Name of the Use Case |
1 | Energy, | UC2-1 |
1.2. Version Management
Version No. | Date | Name of author(s) | Changes | Approval status |
1 | 2020-07-27T00:00:00 | ETRA, | First version | final |
1.3. Scope and Objectives of Use Case
| |
Scope | GRIDFLEX, X-FLEX Platform |
Objective(s) | werwer |
Related business case(s) | None |
1.4. Narrative of Use Case
Short description
Network real-time monitoring
Complete description
The smart grid environment requires the upgrade of tools for monitoring at all levels of the grid. By integrating the required data sources (e.g. SLAM, SMX, SCADA, AMI), these compo-nents will provide the data necessary for monitoring the grid.
Several sources of energy data will be analysed, taking into account the specific characteris-tics of each pilot site where demonstration will take place. Communication protocols are an important issue due to the necessity to integrate different vendors.
Data to be collected comprises:
• Grid data: electrical parameters at relevant points of the grid (e.g. critical substa-tions or RES connections), including V, I, P, Q, PF, f
• End user data: electrical parameters and energy counters at supply point of each prosumer, including V, I, P, Q, PF, f, Eimp, Eexp
ID | Name | Description | Reference to mentioned use case objectives |
1.6. Use case conditions
Relation to other use cases |
Level of depth |
Prioritisation |
High |
Generic, regional or national relation |
Nature of the use cases |
Further keywords for classification |
2. Diagrams of Use Case
3. Technical Details
3.1. Actors
Actor Name | Actor Type | Actor Description | Further information specific to this Use Case |
3.2. References
No. | References Type | Reference | Status | Impact on Use Case | Organistaor / Organisation | Link |
4. Step by Step Analysis of Use Case
4.1. Overview of Scenarios
No. | Scenario Name | Scenario Description | Primary Actor | Triggering Event | Pre-Condition | Post-Condition |
1 | Main path | None | | Main path | | |
2 | Exception path 1 | None | | Exception path 1 | | |
3 | Exception path 2 | None | | Exception path 2 | | |
4.2. Steps – Scenarios
Step No. | Event. | Name of Process/ Activity | Description of Process/ Activity. | Service | Information Producer (Actor) | Information Receiver (Actor) | Information Exchanged | Requirements, R-ID |
1 | Data acquisition | None | Metering device/system produces the data | None | | | | |
2 | Data dispatch | None | Metering device/system publishes data to the GRIDFLEX tool | None | | | | |
3 | Data val-idation and storage | None | GRIDFLEX assesses integrity of data and stores it for subsequent use | None | | | | |
Scenario Name: |
Exception path 1 |
Step No. | Event. | Name of Process/ Activity | Description of Process/ Activity. | Service | Information Producer (Actor) | Information Receiver (Actor) | Information Exchanged | Requirements, R-ID |
1 | Data acquisition | None | Metering device/system produces the data | None | | | | |
2 | Communication problem | None | In the event of a communication problem, the metering device/system shall store temporarily the data and retry once the connection is re-established (if possible) | None | | | | |
Scenario Name: |
Exception path 2 |
Step No. | Event. | Name of Process/ Activity | Description of Process/ Activity. | Service | Information Producer (Actor) | Information Receiver (Actor) | Information Exchanged | Requirements, R-ID |
1 | Data acquisition | None | Metering device/system produces the data | None | | | | |
2 | Data dispatch | None | Metering device/system publishes data to the GRIDFLEX tool | None | | | | |
3 | Data is inaccurate | None | GRIDFLEX stores data with a watermark indicating its potential inaccuracy. This indication can be considered by further processing | None | | | | |
Information exchanged ID | Name of Information | Description of Information Exchanged | Requirement |
6. Requirements (optional)
Category Identifier | Name | Description | mRID |
Req_ID | Req_Name | ‘Network real-time monitoring’ | |
Identifier | Name | Description | mRID |
7. Common Terms and Definitions
Key | Value | Refers to Section |