
Collect energy data

1. Description of the Use Case

1.1. Name of the Use Case

IDArea /Domain(s)/Zone(s)Name of the Use Case
1Access to data, Market for flexibilities, Operational planning and forecasting, Services related to end customers, Balance management,elering-5

1.2. Version Management

Version No.DateName of author(s)ChangesApproval status
12018-04-12T00:00:00Kalle Kukk (Elering),
22018-07-07T00:00:00Ricardo Jover (EDF), Eric Suignard (EDF),
32018-07-19T00:00:00Ricardo Jover (EDF), Eric Suignard (EDF),“Collect public market data” and “Collect individual market data” scenarios merged into a “Collect market data” scenario,
No DEP involved anymore.
42018-08-02T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),
52018-09-21T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF), Ricardo Jover (EDF),
Remarks from Innogy and Elering.
62018-10-04T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),Version post WP5&9 physical meeting in Tallinn
72018-10-17T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),Version reviewed by WP5&9 partners
82018-10-30T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),Description of Grid data
92019-05-07T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),WP6-7-8 demos alignment and miscellaneous changes
102020-06-16T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),innogy’s and Elering’s review

1.3. Scope and Objectives of Use Case

ScopeCollection of different types of energy related data from data providers to data hubs
Objective(s)Collection of data which can be shared.
Related business case(s)

1.4. Narrative of Use Case

Short description

Collection of different types of meter, market and grid data to be made available through a data exchange platform to interested parties. Users of data exchange platform can receive data directly from data provider (data source) or from a data hub which collects (and stores) data. This use case focuses on data necessary for flexibility trading. See separate use case description for sub-meter data (because the involved systems are different).

Complete description

1.5. Key Performance Indicatiors (KPI)

IDNameDescriptionReference to mentioned use case objectives

1.6. Use case conditions

Data should be simultaneously available to all authorized stakeholders to ensure level playing field (cf. SUC dealing with authorizations).
Cross border effect: It should be allowed and enabled to store data in one country from a data provider in another country – e.g. collect meter data in one country and store them in a data hub in a foreign country.

1.7. Further information to the use case for classification/mapping

Relation to other use cases
Level of depth
Generic, regional or national relation
Nature of the use cases
Further keywords for classification

1.8. General remarks

General remarks

2. Diagrams of Use Case

Collect energy data - overview Collect energy data - scenarios flowchart

3. Technical Details

3.1. Actors

Actor NameActor TypeActor DescriptionFurther information specific to this Use Case
Data HubSystemData Hub is an information system which main functionality is to store and make available measurements (e.g. meter data, operational data) and associated master data. Data Hubs are not necessarily centralized in a country or in a region.
Metered Data Operator (MDO)BusinessProvide metered data to authorized users in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner
Meter Data Collection ToolSystemMeter Data Collection Tool is an information system which main functionality is to collect meter readings from electricity meters.
System OperatorBusinessSystem Operator means a natural or legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the system in a given area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems, and for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution or transmission of electricity (cf. ENTSOE-EFET-ebIX harmonized role model 2019).
Can be:
  • A Transmission System Operator (cf. definition in T3.3 deliverable), for frequency control, congestion management and voltage control on transmission network,
  • A Distribution System Operator (cf. definition in T3.3 deliverable), for congestion management and voltage control on distribution network.

NB: In some countries (e.g. Germany and Poland), the high voltage network is part of the distribution grid and in other countries (e. g. France and Italy) the high voltage network is part of the transmission grid.

A System Operator can be:
  • A Primary System Operator,
  • A Secondary System Operator.
Market OperatorBusinessA market operator is a party that provides a service whereby the offers to sell electricity are matched with bids to buy electricity (cf. ENTSOE-EFET-ebIX harmonized role model 2019).
In EU-SysFlex project, a market operator not only trades electricity but also flexibility services.
Organize auctions (continuous auctions, discrete auctions, calls for tender) between buyers and sellers of electricity-related products in the markets, and more generally publish the corresponding prices, for assets connected to power grid.
Manage/operate the platform for trading (where bids and offers are collected).
Clear the market and communicate results.
(cf. definition in T3.3 deliverable)
Flexibility Service ProviderBusinessCan be a Distribution Network Flexibility Provider or a Transmission Network Flexibility Provider (cf. definitions in T3.3 deliverable).
Similar to Flexibility Aggregator. Can be both aggregator and individual consumer/generator. Type of Energy Service Provider.
Data Hub OperatorBusinessData hub operator owns and operates an information system which main functionality is to store and make available electricity (also gas, heat) metering data and associated master data. Can be :
  • Grid Data Hub Operator in the sphere of a System Operator
  • Market Data Hub Operator in the sphere of a Market Operator
  • Meter Data Hub Operator in the sphere of a Metered Data Operator
  • Sub-meter Data Hub Operator in the sphere of an Energy Service Provider
DEP OperatorBusinessData exchange platform operator owns and operates a communication system which basic functionality is data transfer.

3.2. References

No.References TypeReferenceStatusImpact on Use CaseOrganistaor / OrganisationLink

4. Step by Step Analysis of Use Case

4.1. Overview of Scenarios

No.Scenario NameScenario DescriptionPrimary ActorTriggering EventPre-ConditionPost-Condition
1Collect data from certified metersMetered Data Operators can collect data from electricity meters at transmission or distribution levels and store them in the Data Hub.
2Collect market dataA Market Operator collects individual data from FSPs. Individual data can be flexibility bids or schedules.
Market Operator can also generate some market data itself (either public or with restricted access) and store them in the Market Data Hub. Market data can be used for balancing and congestion management.
3Collect grid dataA System Operator collects and generates, in the Grid Data Hub, grid data related to its grid.
Grid data can be power grid descriptions or power grid congestion data used for balancing and congestion management.


4.2. Steps – Scenarios

Scenario Name:
Collect data from certified meters
Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information ExchangedRequirements, R-ID
1.1Send data collection’s request
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Authenticate Information
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
f54a3eef-e16c-4917-9fb7-ba2e51f07da645af65d4-921b-419b-b824-dfb4bf1bb4de79077332-56bd-437e-8295-63b9a9dab5bd176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca 16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313 7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
1.2Receive request and authenticate user45af65d4-921b-419b-b824-dfb4bf1bb4de176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca 16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313 7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
1.3Send meter data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Metering Data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
45af65d4-921b-419b-b824-dfb4bf1bb4def54a3eef-e16c-4917-9fb7-ba2e51f07da6620429a9-a8f8-48c6-bf92-5f3e362b6cff176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca 16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313 7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
1.4Transmit meter data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Metering Data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
f54a3eef-e16c-4917-9fb7-ba2e51f07da643ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf7537292620429a9-a8f8-48c6-bf92-5f3e362b6cff176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca 16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313 7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
1.5Store meter data43ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf7537292176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca 16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313 7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
Scenario Name:
Collect market data
Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information ExchangedRequirements, R-ID
2.1Send market data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Market Data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
2b8f28a5-4b5a-49fb-92fa-1728b089ce00d2779077-a80f-43af-b09b-5a1fab340aed21762d22-bc38-489c-b1a7-a5db4ca4945fc7b8d744-dbbc-4fe9-8932-d072212e22cb d70ae303-c4c4-47bf-8814-eed06b87bfb3 786acf6f-952c-4c5a-b4c2-c5b5ab7ae331
2.2Collect market dataA Market Operator collects with its Flexibility Platform individual data from FSPs (i.e. bids and schedules).
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Request on market data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
d2779077-a80f-43af-b09b-5a1fab340aed2b8f28a5-4b5a-49fb-92fa-1728b089ce00cdb8292b-f5e6-4f45-bee0-25916c5c6cbfc7b8d744-dbbc-4fe9-8932-d072212e22cb d70ae303-c4c4-47bf-8814-eed06b87bfb3 786acf6f-952c-4c5a-b4c2-c5b5ab7ae331
2.3Generate market dataA Market Operator generates public market data (i.e. flexibility prices and volumes).
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Market Data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
d2779077-a80f-43af-b09b-5a1fab340aed43ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf753729221762d22-bc38-489c-b1a7-a5db4ca4945fc7b8d744-dbbc-4fe9-8932-d072212e22cb d70ae303-c4c4-47bf-8814-eed06b87bfb3 786acf6f-952c-4c5a-b4c2-c5b5ab7ae331
2.4Store generated market dataStore generated data in a Market Data Hub.43ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf7537292c7b8d744-dbbc-4fe9-8932-d072212e22cb d70ae303-c4c4-47bf-8814-eed06b87bfb3 786acf6f-952c-4c5a-b4c2-c5b5ab7ae331
Scenario Name:
Collect grid data
Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information ExchangedRequirements, R-ID
3.1Collect grid data63eb2d86-aa08-444e-88dc-51f7f64e714e57301224-834e-4319-ae19-5efb9150541f 0ed0485f-31be-4cf6-a49a-18f8cd2a65e9 1b901786-140a-404e-9369-adae4ff9dbd5 de4e7a1e-ad65-4477-b158-4abcc02570be
3.2Generate grid data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Grid Data
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=Necessary for flexibility services from their respective grids (DSO / TSO).
Grid data can be power grid descriptions or power grid congestion data used for congestion management
63eb2d86-aa08-444e-88dc-51f7f64e714e43ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf75372921d84924c-81aa-4e8a-b1b4-0a5be6a8b48857301224-834e-4319-ae19-5efb9150541f 0ed0485f-31be-4cf6-a49a-18f8cd2a65e9 1b901786-140a-404e-9369-adae4ff9dbd5 de4e7a1e-ad65-4477-b158-4abcc02570be
3.3Store grid data43ac67ff-35a0-48e4-8b2c-d1eaf753729257301224-834e-4319-ae19-5efb9150541f 0ed0485f-31be-4cf6-a49a-18f8cd2a65e9 1b901786-140a-404e-9369-adae4ff9dbd5 de4e7a1e-ad65-4477-b158-4abcc02570be

5. Information Exchanged

Information exchanged IDName of InformationDescription of Information ExchangedRequirement
79077332-56bd-437e-8295-63b9a9dab5bdAuthenticate Information—-
620429a9-a8f8-48c6-bf92-5f3e362b6cffMetering Data—-
21762d22-bc38-489c-b1a7-a5db4ca4945fMarket Data—-
cdb8292b-f5e6-4f45-bee0-25916c5c6cbfRequest on market data—-
1d84924c-81aa-4e8a-b1b4-0a5be6a8b488Congestion MatrixCongestion matrices are provided by System Operators and stored in Flexibility Platforms. It consists in a matrix based on grid models. Flexibility bids are inserted into the matrix, in order to check whether congestions would occur.—-

6. Requirements (optional)

Category IdentifierNameDescriptionmRID
Cat1Task 5.3Requirements integrated from Task 5.3.1880e39c-7084-4785-8c02-297057abe312
Req1DC-REQ1.1Get near-real-time data (up to 1 hour) from meters176b9940-9da9-45fa-b76b-db17de4ffbca
Req2DC-REQ1.2Get historical data (monthly) from conventional meters16aced1b-e4e3-4345-8316-278b3691b313
Req3DC-REQ1.3Store data in a meter data hub7c86cd26-f793-4a23-98ed-bfea4035d883
Req4DC-REQ2.1Get near-real-time (up to 1 hour) data from marketc7b8d744-dbbc-4fe9-8932-d072212e22cb
Req5DC-REQ2.2Get historical data from marketd70ae303-c4c4-47bf-8814-eed06b87bfb3
Req6DC-REQ2.3Store data in a market data hub786acf6f-952c-4c5a-b4c2-c5b5ab7ae331
Req7DC-REQ3.1Get very-near-real-time (up to 1 minute) data from grid57301224-834e-4319-ae19-5efb9150541f
Req8DC-REQ3.2Get near-real-time (up to 1 hour) data from grid0ed0485f-31be-4cf6-a49a-18f8cd2a65e9
Req9DC-REQ3.3Get historical data from grid1b901786-140a-404e-9369-adae4ff9dbd5
Req10DC-REQ3.4Store data in a grid data hubde4e7a1e-ad65-4477-b158-4abcc02570be

7. Common Terms and Definitions

8. Custom Information (optional)

KeyValueRefers to Section