
Manage flexibility activations - Alternative 2

1. Description of the Use Case

1.1. Name of the Use Case

IDArea /Domain(s)/Zone(s)Name of the Use Case
1Services related to end customers, Operational planning and forecasting, Market for flexibilities,elering-11

1.2. Version Management

Version No.DateName of author(s)ChangesApproval status
22020-06-16T00:00:00Eric Suignard (EDF),innogy’s and Elering’s review
12019-08-30T00:00:00Wiebke Albers (innogy SE),alternative SUC for "Manage Flexibility Activation"

1.3. Scope and Objectives of Use Case

ScopeDeveloping generic case describing the data exchange for the process of flexibility activation where the capacity has already been reserved during earlier time frames and a new grid assessment is necessary to select the best flexibility.
Objective(s)Make data exchange for activation of flexibilities effective and reliable.
Related business case(s)

1.4. Narrative of Use Case

Short description

Description of the needed data exchange for the selection (taking into account any grid limitations) and initiation of activation of flexibilities bids that previously have been sent to the Flexibility Platform and where previously the bids were not activated but their capacity was reserved in the bidding process. Delivery of notification of activation requests to the Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs), in a reliable and timely manner according to the relevant terms and conditions applicable to FSPs.
According to EU-SysFlex WP3 suggestion, the function of grid impact assessment and hosting of Grid Validation System could be taken over by Optimisation Operator role from the Primary and Secondary System Operator roles.

Complete description

1.5. Key Performance Indicatiors (KPI)

IDNameDescriptionReference to mentioned use case objectives

1.6. Use case conditions

Data exchange occurs as a result of business processes. The method of implementing business processes depends on the architecture of the flexibility services markets
Communication standards must be established.

1.7. Further information to the use case for classification/mapping

Relation to other use cases
Level of depth
Generic, regional or national relation
Nature of the use cases
Further keywords for classification

1.8. General remarks

General remarks

2. Diagrams of Use Case

Manage flexibility activations - overview

3. Technical Details

3.1. Actors

Actor NameActor TypeActor DescriptionFurther information specific to this Use Case
Data Exchange PlatformSystemData exchange platform (DEP) is a communication platform the basic functionality of which is to secure data transfer (routing) from data providers (e.g. data hubs, flexibility service providers, TSOs, DSOs) to the data users (e.g. TSOs, DSOs, consumers, suppliers, energy service providers). DEP stores data related to its services (e.g. cryptographic hash of the data requested). The DEP does not store core energy data (e.g. meter data, grid data, market data) while these data can be stored by data hubs. Several DEPs may exist in different countries and inside one country.
Secondary System OperatorBusinessOperates the power grid on which a flexibility service unit is connected or this unit may otherwise impact its grid. Assesses the impact on its network of the flexibility to be procured because the activation of such flexibility may potentially cause congestion in its grid.
Flexibility PlatformSystemFlexibility Platform (FP) for System Operators and Flexibility Service Providers that enables the trading of different flexibility products and services. A FP is operated by a Market Operator.

Available to System Operators and Flexibility Services Providers. It is used to support the prequalification, the bidding, the activation and the verification processes, ensuring coordination between activities undertaken by several operators using the same flexible resources. Several national and regional FPs may exist.
Primary System OperatorBusinessInitiates the call for tenders and initiates the activation of a flexibility. It also can operate the power grid on which a flexibility service unit is connected or this unit may otherwise impact its grid. In this case, it assesses the impact on its network of the flexibility to be procured because the activation of such flexibility may potentially cause congestion in its grid.
Grid Validation SystemSystemSystem hosted by Optimisation Operators and used for the power grid congestion assessment, including grid validation if activation will cause congestion.
Flexibility Service ProviderBusinessCan be a Distribution Network Flexibility Provider or a Transmission Network Flexibility Provider (cf. definitions in T3.3 deliverable).
Similar to Flexibility Aggregator. Can be both aggregator and individual consumer/generator. Type of Energy Service Provider.
Optimisation OperatorBusinessOptimise and select the bids, where relevant in combination with switching measures; clear the market for auctions or select individual bids in the order book organised by the MO taking into account the grid data (constraints and sensitivities/topology if needed) provided by DS_O and TS_O ; communicate results (rewarded offers and prices) to the MO. The OO role can be carried out by a system operator, market operator or a third party. (cf. definition in T3.2 deliverable)
DEP OperatorBusinessData exchange platform operator owns and operates a communication system which basic functionality is data transfer.

3.2. References

No.References TypeReferenceStatusImpact on Use CaseOrganistaor / OrganisationLink

4. Step by Step Analysis of Use Case

4.1. Overview of Scenarios

No.Scenario NameScenario DescriptionPrimary ActorTriggering EventPre-ConditionPost-Condition
1Manage flexibility activation


4.2. Steps – Scenarios

Scenario Name:
Manage flexibility activation
Step No.Event.Name of Process/ ActivityDescription of Process/ Activity.ServiceInformation Producer (Actor)Information Receiver (Actor)Information ExchangedRequirements, R-ID
1.1Request flexibility activationPrimary System Operator initiates flexibility activation on Flexibility Platform by selecting bids on the Flexibility Platform considering the amounts of energy/capacity needed as well as the maximum price based on the grid impact analysis results from SO - limitation and sensitivities where applicable (e.g. congestion management call for tender)eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b6556a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.2Request flexibility activationPrimary System Operator initiates flexibility activation on Flexibility Platform by selecting bids on the Flexibility Platform considering the amounts of energy/capacity needed as well as the maximum price based on the grid impact analysis results from SO - limitation and sensitivities where applicable (e.g. congestion management call for tender)
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Flexibility Bid
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Flexibility potential
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b655bb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f ec556f1b-8608-4de1-ab7c-a7e614f2bc374c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.3Assess secondary grid impactSecondary System Operator assesses the impact of flexibility activations in its grid in order to avoid congestions due to these activations.
Secondary System Operator provides the results of grid impact assessment to the PSO setting restrictions – if necessary - on the activation of flexibilities which would cause congestion in its grids and provide sensitivities in case of a congestion management tender.
6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b6554c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.4Decluster flexibility bidsSecondary System Operator declusters flexibility bid cluster and selects best flexibilities, so carries out the final individual bid selection based on its new grid information. SSO informs FP, PSO and FSP
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429bbb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.5Collect the resulting requests of the SO and send request for activation
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429b4e694b8b-e0eb-4b2a-ae7a-1bcb6f656385bb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.6Collect the resulting requests of the SO and send request for activation
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Flexibility Bid
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429bbb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.7Forward resulting flexibility request
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
4e694b8b-e0eb-4b2a-ae7a-1bcb6f6563852b8f28a5-4b5a-49fb-92fa-1728b089ce00bb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.8Activate bids (Operational)
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Activated Flexibility
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
2b8f28a5-4b5a-49fb-92fa-1728b089ce004e694b8b-e0eb-4b2a-ae7a-1bcb6f6563856bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d8214c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.9Activate bids (Operational)
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Flexibility Bid
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
2b8f28a5-4b5a-49fb-92fa-1728b089ce00908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429bbb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7f4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.10Forward activation confirmation
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=Activated Flexibility
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
4e694b8b-e0eb-4b2a-ae7a-1bcb6f656385eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b655 6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb 908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429b6bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d8214c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.11Register flexibility activation confirmation
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b655eb116f35-39eb-4ce4-8136-5fa3c744b6556bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d8214c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.12Register flexibility activation confirmation
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb6a6d00e5-7ffc-4832-9b93-a346392c62cb6bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d8214c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b
1.13Register activation confirmationFlexibility Platform receives and registers confirmations from Flexibility Service Providers in order to make sure that they actually received the requests for activation. This step does not include the verifications aspects of activations (see "Verify and settle activated flexibilities" SUC for activation verification).
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceName=
Modsarus Use Case::InstanceDescription=
908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429b908bfa7a-c616-4b2b-a712-04aac115429b6bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d8214c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3 d1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b

5. Information Exchanged

Information exchanged IDName of InformationDescription of Information ExchangedRequirement
bb2896bc-89a8-400e-99c4-c560a72ebe7fFlexibility Bid—-
ec556f1b-8608-4de1-ab7c-a7e614f2bc37Flexibility Potential—-
6bc23364-c3c2-4760-8065-7fba38f1d821Activated Flexibility—-

6. Requirements (optional)

Category IdentifierNameDescriptionmRID
Cat1Task 5.3Requirements integrated from Task 5.3.1880e39c-7084-4785-8c02-297057abe312
Req1FA-REQ2Exchange of activation requests through DEP and flexibility platform4c275fe9-7bd5-4a43-bccb-e8541ffa25a3
Req2FA-REQ1Automated activation of devices is possibled1ef6b9b-72a4-49e7-be5d-62693dd1cb2b

7. Common Terms and Definitions

8. Custom Information (optional)

KeyValueRefers to Section